About Reliance Construction
Reliance Construction Company focuses strictly on Hotel, Restaurant, and Entertainment Venue projects nationally. The entire Reliance staff is highly trained and has years of experience within this niche industry. From our vast experiences, we offer our clients budget pricing, scheduling, and value engineering considerations for proposed projects which enables them to make sound, intelligent decisions as to whether or not to pursue a deal.
Our estimating department not only bids plans “as per plans and specs” but takes into consideration potential maintenance issues, logistics, customer service, cost and value when preparing either a budget or hard bid.
Our Executive Management team is comprised of several members who not only have vast construction knowledge but are well versed and have years experience in both hotel and restaurant operations which is a huge benefit to our clients.

Our Approach:
Our Philosophy:
In all the years of our involvement within the construction industry, never has it become more evident that client relationships are the essential foundation for success.
In these trying economic times, owners want to deal with time-tested relationships and work with a company who they can rely on, ensure quality, and have delivered proven results.
Our philosophy is not based on can we get it done? Rather, it is one based on how we get it done above and beyond the capabilities of our competitors.
We have found through the years that our hands on approach with each and every one of our clients are not only important, but imperative for the relationship to flourish. Owners want to feel as though their project is the only project in our lives, and we are committed to making them feel exactly as if it was.
That never ending commitment to our clients is exactly why Reliance’s personnel has and will continue to be successful in establishing and maintaining strong relationships through perseverance, integrity, and a good old fashion “hands in the dirt” mentality.
In addition to Reliance Construction being a state certified licensed and insured General Contractor, we are also a bonded Contractor which gives our clients a level of confidence from a performance and a financial perspective.
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